Addendum: ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ * fixed the number of reserved bytes at offset 0002Ch * changed the version number to v0.31 * Detecting the format of the SPC file (binary or text) can be a bit tricky, since fields might contain ambiguous values and there's no format indicator. Some fields have different offsets depending of the format, which might help with the detection. The current Win32 version of ZSNES saves binary SPC files; SNES9x saves in text format. * Original file content follows. - creaothceann, 2006-02-27 21:48 SPC File Format v0.31 ===================== Offset Size Description ------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 00000h 33 File header "SNES-SPC700 Sound File Data v0.30" 00021h 2 26,26 00023h 1 26 = header contains ID666 information 27 = header contains no ID666 tag 00024h 1 Version minor (i.e. 30) SPC700 Registers: 00025h 2 PC 00027h 1 A 00028h 1 X 00029h 1 Y 0002Ah 1 PSW 0002Bh 1 SP (lower byte) 0002Ch 2 reserved ID666 Tag (text format): 0002Eh 32 Song title 0004Eh 32 Game title 0006Eh 16 Name of dumper 0007Eh 32 Comments 0009Eh 11 Date SPC was dumped (MM/DD/YYYY) 000A9h 3 Number of seconds to play song before fading out 000ACh 5 Length of fade in milliseconds 000B1h 32 Artist of song 000D1h 1 Default channel disables (0 = enable, 1 = disable) 000D2h 1 Emulator used to dump SPC: 0 = unknown 1 = ZSNES 2 = Snes9x 000D3h 45 reserved (set to all 0's) ID666 Tag (binary format): 0002Eh 32 Song title 0004Eh 32 Game title 0006Eh 16 Name of dumper 0007Eh 32 Comments 0009Eh 4 Date SPC was dumped (YYYYMMDD) 000A2h 7 unused 000A9h 3 Number of seconds to play song before fading out 000ACh 4 Length of fade in milliseconds 000B0h 32 Artist of song 000D0h 1 Default channel disables (0 = enable, 1 = disable) 000D1h 1 Emulator used to dump SPC: 0 = unknown 1 = ZSNES 2 = Snes9x 000D2h 46 reserved (set to all 0's) 00100h 65536 64KB RAM 10100h 128 DSP Registers (see below) 10180h 64 unused 101C0h 64 Extra RAM (Memory region used when the IPL ROM region is set to read-only) 10200h Extended ID666 (see below) Extended ID666 Format ===================== Extended information is stored at the end of the SPC file as a RIFF chunk with an ID of "xid6". Items that can be stored in the ID666 tag without any loss of data should not be stored in the extended area. Offset Size Description ------ ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 4 Chunk type "xid6" 4 4 Chunk size, not including header Sub-chunk Header ---------------- Inside the chunk are sub-chunks. Each sub-chunk consists of a 4-byte header, and possibly data. All data is 32-bit aligned. If the data stored doesn't reach a 32-bit boundary, it will be padded with 0's. Offset Size Description ------ ---- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 0 1 ID - song name, length, etc. 1 1 Type - 0 means data is stored in the header non-zero means data is stored after header 2 2 Data - if 'type' is zero, this contains the data if 'type' is non-zero, this contains the length of the data following the header Extended ID666 Items -------------------- ID: 00-0F - Items from original ID666 tag 10-1F - Extended items 30-3F - Items related to playback Type: 00 Data - Data is saved in the 'data' item of the sub-chunk header 01 String - Data is stored as a null terminated string (max 256 characters including null). Strings are saved using 8-bit character encoding. Support for unicode may be added in the future. 04 Integer - Data is stored as a 32-bit integer Size: The minimum and maximum sizes of an item ID Type Size Description --- ------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------ 01h String 4-256 Song name 02h String 4-256 Game name 03h String 4-256 Artist's name 04h String 4-256 Dumper's name 05h Integer 4 Date song was dumped (stored as yyyymmdd) 06h Data 1 Emulator used 07h String 4-256 Comments 10h String 4-256 Official Soundtrack Title 11h Data 1 OST disc 12h Data 2 OST track (upper byte is the number 0-99, lower byte is an optional ASCII character) 13h String 4-256 Publisher's name 14h Data 2 Copyright year 30h Integer 4 Introduction length (lengths are stored in 1/64000th seconds) 31h Integer 4 Loop length 32h Integer 4 End length 33h Integer 4 Fade length 34h Data 1 Muted voices (a bit is set for each voice that's muted) 35h Data 1 Number of times to loop 36h Data 1 Mixing (preamp) level